I have decided to create a blog to sort-of, bring a community of fairy gardeners together. I am hoping that we can ask questions here and get some answers. I'm even thinking of perhaps starting a club to have a fairy garden competition!
Here's what I think! I think that there should be more standards to what a fairy garden really is. I real true fairy garden! I mean, I support anyone who wants to make a fairy garden anywhere out of anything. BUT, I must say that if Bonsai competitions exist and there is criteria for who wins, judging on attractive trunk curve or maturity of tree or artistic shape, the same should exist in the fairy garden community. For example, can a fairy garden be overcrowded? Does it need to have a dynamic of height in plants? Does there even have to be plants in order for it to be a true fairy garden? Should the scale of all the trinkets and figurines match the size of pot, plants and other figurines in the pot? To these questions I say, Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes! (was that the right amount of Yes'?)
Let me know what you think! Meanwhile...
Here is my fairy garden, although it has recently undergone some renovation, this is how it was during Christmas time.
My fairy gazing across the river bank. :) The plants that you see in this picture are "Babies tears" that is in the forfront. Bentgrass which was planted from seed, and Azalia (that's the tree, although it unfortunately died)
Just a little tid bit about my azalea that went the way of all the earth. I found out that some plants you can get at the store will die pretty soon after buying them. Why? Well, because they were grown from start in a controlled environment and forced to bloom off season. So when they come into your home and are under normal conditions they are confused about their lives and existance and they die. I was told by a friend at my local garden center that you almost have to look at some of these plants like you are buying cut stems, THEY WILL DIE! How sad is that .... sigh. Enjoy it while it lasts then I guess. :)
Peering accross the grass at my "Splash plant" or "Polka plant" Its a cute little thing. I have a string around it to keep it sorta more upright.
I created this cute little river first by lining that whole area with rocks up to the top then planting the grass and other plants around the edge. Once the edge plants became strong I then was able to take out some of the rocks so the river went down deeper and created the illusion of the needed bridge. (although fairies can fly anyway, I'm not sure why they would need a bridge other than for style)
I got those garden tools from Michael's, I believe. And my little strawberry house was a lucky D.I. find. yay for discounts!
Maybe it's kind of hard to see in this picture but there are cute little orniments in the tree. I got those from Hobby Lobby and they were just too cute to pass up! That way my fairies were really able to celebrate the Christmas season with me.